
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cleaning your Doll!

Hey guys! So I have been working on my doll and have taken her apart and unstuffed her. I washed her limbs, arms and head. I found a few marker/ink spots on her neck. The one was a dark purple mark and the other two were light ones. So I did some research on what can clean marker/ink off your doll. One thing I found said to use alcohol. I tried alcohol and it did not work. This video I found said to use Oxy with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide in it. So I decided to give it a try. What I did was I rubbed some oxy on the spots and wrapped saran wrap around it. I placed her outside in the sun. I put a towel on the top of her head so the sun doesn’t mess it up. Let her sit until the sun starts to go down. Then I brought her up, took off the saran wrap and used a damp washcloth and wiped the Oxy off. I was shocked at what it did. The marks weren’t completely off but they were lighter. I did it 2 more times and the 2 lighter marks were gone and the darkest mark was so light, you could barely tell it was there! If your doll has marks then I definitely recommend this.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dolly Finds at the Thrift Shop!

Hi everyone! Yesterday, I went thrift shopping looking for some stuff for my dolls. I found a few things that were the perfect size! The items I found were a small mirror, a wood bird cage, a miniature vase, a miniature basket, a metal basket, a candle, a candle holder stand, and a glass paperweight. The mirror is the perfect size for dolls. The miniature basket I will set on their table for decoration. The bird cage is a good size for a small bird. I am going to use the vase as a floor vase sitting in the corner. With the candle I am going to take the candle out and make an ice-cream sundae in the cup part. The candle holder stand is the perfect fit and color for Cecile’s bird and bird cage. The paperweight has coral in it and little fish so I got it to use as a fish tank for the dolls. I purchased all of this adorable stuff for only $5.00! Let me know what you think about these and any other ideas I could use them for below! Don’t forget to send in photos and descriptions of your doll creations!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Twinn and American Girl Comparison

Hey everyone! As I blogged last week, My Twinn had a sale on their “adopt a friend” dolls. These dolls are not the custom, made-to-order variety, but rather pre-designed and listed for sale by their picture. I decided to take advantage of the great sale price, which was just $59, and ordered one to add to my growing doll collection.

             When she arrived, she was not as secure in her box as AG dolls come. She had ribbons tied on which made it look prettier, just not as secure.  Her hair was a little tangly and not in a hair net. Once I smoothed her hair out it was just fine. She came in cute pj’s that said peace and love on them. She came wearing white underwear and has a soft-cloth body. Her eyes do not close but are beautiful. Her hair is thick and gorgeous. She doesn’t have a sewn-in part so you can part her hair to either side or middle, unlike AG dolls. Her hair is a wig like AG dolls, not sewn-in as some others. 

            She has a very different face shape than AG. Her face is a little longer and gives the overall appearance of a larger head. She has an older look to her so you could definitely use her as an older sister. She fits perfectly into AG outfits and shoes. I tried her in AG boots, flats, and sandals and each fit just fine. She is a beautiful doll and I am overall very happy with my purchase. The other dolls can’t wait to meet her! 


Make sure you go and check out the Facebook photo album and see the other photos!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Twinn Sale!

My Twinn is having a special sale and today is the last day! They have their dolls and clothes on sale!  I have heard that the clothes fit other 18" dolls like American Girls, Springfield, and more. Hurry and go look at the sale specials!! Here is the link to the My Twinn website. :)