
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Doll Sized Soap!

Hey everyone! So, on our travels, we stopped at a hotel to sleep in for the night. In the bathroom, there was a little shampoo and conditioner combination for you to use in the shower. I thought it looked the perfect size for dolls! So I took the bottle and I put it in my collection. When we were coming back, we stopped at the same hotel and there was another little bottle of shampoo and conditioner. I took it and put it with the other one in my collection. When we came back, I found that it is the perfect size! Here is a photo shoot of Mandi with the bottles of shampoo and conditioner.

Mandi just came out of her bath!

Mandi is showing how the shampoo and conditioner is the perfect size for her!

I am going to use the one as shampoo and the other one as conditioner. I love the fact that they are even a real soap brand!

Thanks for reading! =)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

My New Doll Ariel!

Hey everybody! I am glad to be back from summer camp so I can share doll things with you! So, before I left to go to camp I received a new, toddler Gotz doll. We purchased her from Ebay. They listed her as 'good condition' and listed her size as a 16" doll. When she arrived and we were taking a look at her we found her hair very tangled, marker spots on her leg and hand, and that she is a 19" doll. So I took an AG brush and a water spritzer and slowly brushed her hair out. For the marks on her leg and hand, I used a q-tip and nail polish remover and scrubbed the marks. It came out very well! She looks like a new doll. My mom wrote the lady telling her about these issues and she replied saying to send her in the condition we received her in. Well, I had already fixed her up. We told the seller that we had taken care of her and she wouldn't be coming in the same condition. So the seller gave us our money back and told us to keep the doll. She is a very gorgeous baby with long red hair. On her knees are cute little toddler wrinkles. She arrived with a little dress on( that was to small for her!) and baby socks on. I did an experiment and tried a Build- A- Bear outfit on her. It looks really cute! I named her Ariel because she kind of looks like a baby Disney princess Ariel. Here are some pictures:

The picture of her on the Ebay listing.

Ariel when she arrived.
Sorry that the picture is blurry but you can see the big mark on her hand. She also had green marks on her leg but my camera couldn't get a good picture of it.
Ariel in a Build-A-Bear outfit. :)
                                            Thanks for reading :0)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Summer Vacation

Hey everyone! I did make it here in Pennsylvania. I just haven't been posting because I have been hanging with my cousins. I only get to see them once a year so I hope you all understand! Anyways, I am leaving tomorrow to go to New York for a 3 week summer camp and will not be able to post on my blog. I will be back the 25th of this month. Enjoy your summer everyone!