
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dreamworld Collections Outfit I Won from a Giveaway!

Hey everyone! American Girl Place was holding a giveaway. The first person they chose never responded so she chose another follower. That second person was me! What she was giving away was an outfit from Dreamworld Doll Collections. It came with a white long sleeve shirt with a pink sparkly star, a sparkly skirt, and pink boots. Julie decided she wanted to model the outfit. Here are the pictures:

Here is a picture of the outfit in the packaging. 

 Here is the outfit out of the packaging and laying out for you to see! 

I took Julie outside to take some more pictures. It didn't come with the basket but I thought it looked nice with it. :)

Here is a closer look at the shirt and skirt. The color of the star matches the skirt! 

Here is a closer look at the sparkly pink star. I like how Julie's braid is in it to! 

Here is a look at the skirt. It is so cute!

Here is a look at the adorable boots. I love them! 

I think this is my favorite picture in this photoshoot!

Here are some extra photos!

You can see the sunlight reflecting on her hair.

A look at Julie's basket.

I was getting ready to put my camera in its case and she fell over like this. I just had to take a picture! :0)

Oh I also forgot to add! The boots have Velcro on the back and they are really easy to slip on and off.

Well, that's all of the photos! I love the outfit. It is so cute! It also looks nice on Julie. Which picture above is your favorite? Thank you American Girl Place! Also in the packaging came a little slip showing some other outfits of Dreamworld Doll Collections. They have some cute stuff! Well, thanks for reading my post! 

P.S. I have made a sign with my name on it to put on the end of my post's. How do you like it? :0)


  1. That outfit looks super cute on Julie! The photos you took are so pretty! Lol! I hate it when my dolls fall over when I'm trying to photograph them! :)

  2. Cute! Congratulations on winning!

  3. Julie looks adorable in that pink skirt outfit! Love it!

    1. Thanks Nikki! By the way, I like your blog! =)

  4. Julie looks great! And congrats on winning!
    AG Chick
