
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Blogger Recognition Award!

Hey guys! I hope you all had a happy Halloween! (I will be posting pictures soon from yesterday!) Anyways, I have been awarded the Blogger Recognition Award! Small Town American Girlz nominated me! Edge of Night originally started this blogger award. You can see their post about it here. Let's get onto the rules! The rules are:

Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers.

~ I have been collecting dolls for a long time. Last year( My blogiversary is coming up!) my mom told me that I should start a doll blog. She said it would be good for me to share about my dolls with other people and get into the blog community. She helped me get set and helped me write my posts but now I do that all by myself. She told me to not worry about followers, comments, and page-views but to just have fun with it. So that is my brief story on how my blog started!

Now here are my 2 pieces of advice for new bloggers:

1. If you enjoy doing what you have been doing, keep going with it! Eventually others will see it and enjoy it like you.

2. When someone comments on a post something nice, reply to them and say thank you. :)

 Comment on each blog that you nominate so they know!

Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. ~ We don't want the award rules getting mixed up! Lol

 Thank you for nominating me Ginny and June! I would like to nominate the following:

Doll Daydreams 

American Girl Place 
