
Monday, November 17, 2014

First Doll Craft~ Make Your Dolls Colored Pencils!

Hey guys! I am posting my first doll craft! I will be showing you how to make dolly colored pencils! This craft is inspired by American Girl Fans post on how to make a #2 post.You can see that post here.
Here is Emily using her red colored pencil!

You will need:
  • Toothpicks(as many as you want. 1 toothpick makes 2 pencils)
  • Scissors
  •  Sharpies(any colors you want!)
First, you will need to use your pair of scissors and cut the toothpick(s) in half. Try to cut them as close to half as you can!

They should look similar to this.

Take your colored Sharpie and color your toothpick handle.

 Color the tip of the "pencil". Let a space in between the handle and the tip to make it look like a real colored pencil. LET THE PENCIL(S) DRY BEFORE YOUR DOLLS HOLD IT! IF THEY HOLD IT WHEN IT IS WET, IT WILL LEAVE A MARK!!!

There you go! You just made colored pencils for your dolls! How did you like this? Please let me know in the comments because if you liked it then I will do more crafts. If you make some for your dolls, send me the photos at and I will post a post with everyone's photo! Please say a description and your name(it will be on the post). Thanks and happy crafting!


  1. Aww, these pencils are so tiny and adorable!! :)

    1. Thanks Ginny! They are perfect doll sized...


  2. Cute craft! Sweet and simple! Love it! :)

  3. Adorable! I will have to make these.

    1. I just nominated you for an award on my blog!

    2. Okay! I will post it soon! =D


  4. Those are sooo cute and a good size for AG dolls! :)

    1. Thanks Kaitlyn! They are a perfect size. =)

