
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Haul 2014(Just the Doll Stuff)!

Hey guys! I hope you all had a great Christmas! I know I did. Well, I see that other blogs are doing Christmas Hauls and posting all of the stuff they got. I am only going to share with you guys the stuff that both Delanie and I got that is doll. I am going to share my stuff first.

 I got a new doll! She is a Gotz doll. She is actually one of the Pottery Barn(I think she is Megan). I haven't completely decided her name yet.

 I also got the Sunny Park scene. I am so excited!!!

 I got the Gala Party scene too! XD

I received the braided hair clips and an Anna dress! I clipped the braided clip in her hair and put the Anna dress on. Here it is without the cape...

 and here it is with the cape!

 I received Josephina's dress and vest.

 I got the Cheer-leading outfit before they changed it! I don't like the new one.

I got the Coconut Fun Outfit. It is so cute and I love it on Julie!

 I got Addy's Hairstyling set. This will be great for Cecile! 

 Lastly, I got Addy's Boots and Socks. I love the boots! They are actually blue(they are darker than shown in the picture).

 Here is a closer look at the blue boots.

Well, that is all of my stuff. I am going to share with you what my sister got!

 Delanie got a Gotz doll, an Elsa dress, and a doll sized Olaf! So cute together! =D

 Delanie had been wanting this for a long time and she got it this year! (The Skateboard outfit) It is adorable!! 

Here are a bunch of pictures of the different ways to wear it. Which is your favorite? My favorite is the sweater, the leotard, and the skirt together.

Well, that is it. I would love to here what you got! How was your Christmas? Well, New Years is on it's way! Thanks guys!


  1. Have fun with all your new stuff!

  2. Wow! Nice! Olaf looks so cute ;)

  3. It sounds like you had an awesome Christmas!

  4. Your new Gotz doll is very cute! I think she looks like a Jenna, a Meghan, or a Maggie!


    1. Thanks Morgan! And thanks for the name suggestions! I will take them into consideration. I was thinking about naming her Anna(like Anna from Frozen) but Delanie has a doll named Anna. My mom said that we both could have an Anna. lol I was also thinking about Meghan(or Megan like my older sister's name is spelled) because she is the Gotz Pottery Barn Kids Meghan. =D


  5. Congrats on all the new stuff! It is all so cute! The gotz dolls are adorable and I love the Frozen dresses! :)
