
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Four Days 'til Christmas~Downtown Disney!

Hey! So, the same day we went to the Orlando AG Store, we also went to Downtown Disney to see Santa. It is our annual thing. Anyways, I brought Molly along to take pictures. Delanie, my sister, also brought Lanie for pictures. Well, let's get to the photos! =D

This is me with Molly in front of a Christmas tree while we were waiting in line. (This photo is slightly edited!)

Molly wanted her own picture with a Christmas tree of course!

 Lanie was about to die if she did not get her picture with the Frozen sign!

 Delanie, Lanie, and Santa.

Me, Molly, and Santa.

 Delanie and Lanie, Me and Molly, Natalie(my neice), Elliot(my brother) and Santa!

Well, that is it! Sorry for such a short post. We didn't take many pictures at Downtown Disney. It was crowded. Which photo is your favorite? Thanks for reading and looking at the photos!


  1. I like the last picture with all of you with Santa. I'm glad you had fun! You and your sister look alike.


    1. Thanks! Yeah, lots of people think we are twins. We are 18 months apart. =D


  2. Looks like you guys had fun!

  3. Looks like lots of fun. :) Again, I wish I could've been there ;)
    I like your new header!! And background. Looks great! :D

  4. Aww! You guys are all so cute! I hope you had fun! ;)
