
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

One Day 'til Christmas~ I Sewed a Christmas Dress for Becca!

Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while. I was thinking about making up those posts but I decided not to. Anyway, my mom helped me create a Christmas dress for my 23" doll, Becca. We bought this 3t sized dress at a  thrift shop for $2! The project was a little complex. I think it came out great for being our first up-cycled dress made for a 23" doll. Well, here are the pictures!

Here is the dress before, close to done, and after!

  Here it is!

 Here is a closer look at the rose.

Here is one of the sleeves. We made the dress a long sleeve. =D

 We made a turtle neck on the dress!

 Here is the skirt part of the dress.

What do you think of the dress? My next project is to make a pearl necklace for her to wear with the dress. Oh! Guess what? It is my blogaversary! I wanted to do giveaway. I am planning on having a giveaway soon though! It is also Christmas Eve! What have you done/will do today? We are baking cookies, rice krispie treats, and peppermint fudge and getting ready for tomorrow. Also, my goal has been achieved! My goal was to have 30 followers before Christmas. Thank you so much guys! I made these posters to thank you all. I hope your dolls enjoy them! You can click here to print them out. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Do any of you have an Instagram? I made an Instagram account for my blog(the name is all_things_doll) and will attach a button on the side soon! For now, you can check it out here.
I also have a personal Instagram account. My name is hope_harman.


  1. Nice job on the dress! Today I did Christmas with my family. I got lots of great doll presents. My family is awesome! Merry CHRISTmas!


  2. It is such a beautiful dress! Congratulations on your blogversary! I can't wait to check out the posters!

  3. That dress is so pretty! You guys did a fantastic job sewing it! :)

    1. Thanks Kaitlyn! You are also a great sewer! =D

