
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Haul 2014(Just the Doll Stuff)!

Hey guys! I hope you all had a great Christmas! I know I did. Well, I see that other blogs are doing Christmas Hauls and posting all of the stuff they got. I am only going to share with you guys the stuff that both Delanie and I got that is doll. I am going to share my stuff first.

 I got a new doll! She is a Gotz doll. She is actually one of the Pottery Barn(I think she is Megan). I haven't completely decided her name yet.

 I also got the Sunny Park scene. I am so excited!!!

 I got the Gala Party scene too! XD

I received the braided hair clips and an Anna dress! I clipped the braided clip in her hair and put the Anna dress on. Here it is without the cape...

 and here it is with the cape!

 I received Josephina's dress and vest.

 I got the Cheer-leading outfit before they changed it! I don't like the new one.

I got the Coconut Fun Outfit. It is so cute and I love it on Julie!

 I got Addy's Hairstyling set. This will be great for Cecile! 

 Lastly, I got Addy's Boots and Socks. I love the boots! They are actually blue(they are darker than shown in the picture).

 Here is a closer look at the blue boots.

Well, that is all of my stuff. I am going to share with you what my sister got!

 Delanie got a Gotz doll, an Elsa dress, and a doll sized Olaf! So cute together! =D

 Delanie had been wanting this for a long time and she got it this year! (The Skateboard outfit) It is adorable!! 

Here are a bunch of pictures of the different ways to wear it. Which is your favorite? My favorite is the sweater, the leotard, and the skirt together.

Well, that is it. I would love to here what you got! How was your Christmas? Well, New Years is on it's way! Thanks guys!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

One Day 'til Christmas~ I Sewed a Christmas Dress for Becca!

Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while. I was thinking about making up those posts but I decided not to. Anyway, my mom helped me create a Christmas dress for my 23" doll, Becca. We bought this 3t sized dress at a  thrift shop for $2! The project was a little complex. I think it came out great for being our first up-cycled dress made for a 23" doll. Well, here are the pictures!

Here is the dress before, close to done, and after!

  Here it is!

 Here is a closer look at the rose.

Here is one of the sleeves. We made the dress a long sleeve. =D

 We made a turtle neck on the dress!

 Here is the skirt part of the dress.

What do you think of the dress? My next project is to make a pearl necklace for her to wear with the dress. Oh! Guess what? It is my blogaversary! I wanted to do giveaway. I am planning on having a giveaway soon though! It is also Christmas Eve! What have you done/will do today? We are baking cookies, rice krispie treats, and peppermint fudge and getting ready for tomorrow. Also, my goal has been achieved! My goal was to have 30 followers before Christmas. Thank you so much guys! I made these posters to thank you all. I hope your dolls enjoy them! You can click here to print them out. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Do any of you have an Instagram? I made an Instagram account for my blog(the name is all_things_doll) and will attach a button on the side soon! For now, you can check it out here.
I also have a personal Instagram account. My name is hope_harman.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Four Days 'til Christmas~Downtown Disney!

Hey! So, the same day we went to the Orlando AG Store, we also went to Downtown Disney to see Santa. It is our annual thing. Anyways, I brought Molly along to take pictures. Delanie, my sister, also brought Lanie for pictures. Well, let's get to the photos! =D

This is me with Molly in front of a Christmas tree while we were waiting in line. (This photo is slightly edited!)

Molly wanted her own picture with a Christmas tree of course!

 Lanie was about to die if she did not get her picture with the Frozen sign!

 Delanie, Lanie, and Santa.

Me, Molly, and Santa.

 Delanie and Lanie, Me and Molly, Natalie(my neice), Elliot(my brother) and Santa!

Well, that is it! Sorry for such a short post. We didn't take many pictures at Downtown Disney. It was crowded. Which photo is your favorite? Thanks for reading and looking at the photos!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Five Days 'til Christmas~ Orlando AG Store(Part 4)!

Hey guys! Yep, the last of the photos from the Orlando AG store! These are just extras taken at the AG store. Let's see them!

Before we went into the store, Lanie and Molly posed with the poinsettias. 

My 5-year old niece, Natalie, wanted her Bitty, Baby Belle, to pose with the poinsettias too!

 Molly wanted to pose with the Isabelle sign(it isn't really a sign I am just not sure what to call it!).

 Molly and Baby Belle posing with the pretty Christmas wreath! 

 Natalie, my niece, posing with them! It was her first time at the AG store!

 Lanie and Molly posing in front the Christmas tree!

 Photo of just Molly posing in front of the Christmas tree.

Baby Belle and Molly posing in front of the Christmas tree.

 "This tree is so pretty!" exclaimed Molly.

 Molly really liked the ornaments on the tree!

Which photo above was your favorite? Wow! I have shared all of the photos I took at the Orlando AG store with you guys! Which part was your favorite? Well, thanks for reading and looking at the photos!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Six Days 'til Christmas~ Orlando AG Store(Part 3)!

Greetings everyone! (lol just trying different ways to say hi!) So, as you probably already know, this post will contain all of the MAG(in case you don't know, that stands for My American Girl) stuff! Well, except for the holiday stuff in the part one post. I guess you want to see the pictures and not really hear me talk. Let's go!

The best picture to start off with is the picture of all of the MAG's! 

 Here is the Orlando print AG shirt. It is so pretty! They had it for girls and dolls.

Speaking of girls, this outfit is so cute and they have it for girls!

 Here is the outfit for girls. The dalmatian dog is cute!

 Here are is the chocolate lab puppy and the corgi puppy.

Here is the apricot poodle puppy.

Molly wanted to pose with all of the pets. Which is your favorite?

This outfit is cute!

This is the sleepover accessories. It is soooo cute! The Apples to Apples game has real cards!!

The star hoodie outfit and the flower outfit. They are hanging up on these cool hangers. These hangers were in the bathroom stalls to hang your doll on! 

Gymnastics set. This would be a good set for McKenna.

Hi-yah! Karate set!


I love the science book on top of the locker!

Dolly pajamas! 

This is a cool bike!

 All of this is so cute!

They actually fit in it to! 

This snack set is so adorable! It comes with so much food! =D

Talent Show

I love the guitar! The outfit is also cute. I think it would look good on Saige.

I like the rain jacket outfit.

 Playing the violin.

Playing the piano.

I think this is an exclusive at the store.

Well, that is it! Which MAG is your favorite? Which outfit is your favorite? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading and looking at the pictures!