
Saturday, January 31, 2015

American Girl Fashion Show in Florida!

Hello friends on the web! I have exciting news. Well, first I need to tell you about some stuff. Have any of you heard or been in the American Girl Fashion show? We have known about it for a few years but never had gone. This year, we applied for the one here in Florida and guess what?! Delanie and I are in it modeling! The fittings will be this next week. I can't wait to tell you how that goes. Also, my mom ordered each of us an outfit. We both got the shirt for dolls, the jeggings for dolls, and the boots.
 Have you ever been at an AG Fashion Show? Have you ever modeled in an AG Fashion Show? What items are your favorite above? Thanks for reading guys! =D


  1. WOW! You're going to be in it? Congrats!!

    1. Yep! We are going to be in it. Thanks Jana!


    2. Wow!
      I nominated you for the Darling Doll Blog award! See my blog for more info. :)

    3. Thanks for nominating me Jana! I will have it up either today or Tuesday. =D


  2. Wow that sounds so exciting!! Im just unsure of 1 thing.. Are you the human modelling in the show or are your dolls? Sorry if that sounds weird i'm just a bit confused :/ Also ur blog is so cool :D
    -Lydia from AGfernfriends

    1. HI Lydia! We are people and we could be modeling as one of the BeForevers, or just wear a MAG outfit(pj, sports, dress, etc.). I think we will know what we will be wearing at the fittings, which are coming up soon. I visited your blog. It is adorable! Thanks for visiting mine! =D


  3. That is sooo cool! You must be really excited! I wish I could go! ;)

  4. I am excited. Thanks Kaitlyn!


  5. That is so amazingly cool!!!!! I've heard of AG fashion show, but I've never been to one! Congrats! Please post pictures when you do it! YAY!


    1. Thanks Morgan! My Mom will definitely be taking lots of pictures for me to post here and to send to my family who lives in PA. =D

