
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

AG Fashion Show Photos!

Hi friends! Here is the post you all have been waiting for.....the photos from the AG Fashion Show! My mom took photos out in the audience of both Delanie and I modeling. Well, here are the photos. I will describe about each photo for you guys.

This is a photo of both of us before we got our pictures.

My mom got a photo of us while we were posing for our pictures.

Here is me walking on the runway.

Here is me posing at the end of the runway.

Now I am walking back to the stage and off the runway.

Here I am posing on the stage waiting for the time I need to "gallop" off the stage. (I had to pretend to ride a horse off the stage like Kaya.)

Here is Delanie walking down the runway.

Here she is walking back down the runway. She was nervous and walking very fast. 

After the other two Kaya models modeled their outfit, we all met at the stage for the announcers to finish up. Delanie is walking the runway as we wait.

Here my mom was getting a picture of Delanie.

Here we both are! (We don't know the girl in the middle)

For the finale, everybody walked on the runway. Here is Delanie and me walking on the one side of the runway.

Here we are walking the other way on the runway. We walked really slow so my mom could easily get a picture. :)

Well, that is all of the photos. What do you think of the outfits? I think we will be too tall to be in it next year. I was thinking about being one of the announcers because you need to be in high school to volunteer for that and I will be. Which photo is your favorite? The next post will be about the souvenirs we got. I will be posting that on Saturday. Tomorrow, I will be announcing the winning doll on Who Looks Better In It. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos!


  1. I'm glad you had a good time. I noticed that your dress is a different color than the Kaya doll's dress. Wow, your hair is long. And I thought it was brown, but here it looks blonde. Must be lighting. What color is your hair actually?


    1. The dress is a little bit of a different color than the doll dress. My hair is actually blonde. Thanks!


    2. My hair is dark blonde, blonde on top and brown on bottom, so it looks different in different lighting. :)


    3. Cool Morgan. My sister's is dark blonde and looks different sometimes depending on the lighting. Her hair is darker than mine. :)


    4. Sounds like her hair is like mine. My hair was lighter when I was younger, but it's gotten a lot darker as I've gotten older.


  2. It is so cool that you got to be a part of that!

  3. WOW....You're pretty and so is your friend!

    1. Thanks Lainey! You just made my day! =D


  4. That is sooo awesome! You guys looked great! It looks like a lot of fun! I hope I can't go to a fashion show someday! :)

    1. Thanks Kaitlyn! It was a lot of fun!


  5. Did you guys have to own the clothes already, or did they give them to you? Did you get to keep them?
    I'm so jealous. :D

    1. They supplied the outfits. I wish we could have kept them but we couldn't. They keep them for other AG Fashion Shows at other places. Thanks Kathleen!

