
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Two Awards!

Hello! I have been nominated for two different awards! Well, lets just start right away...

I was nominated by Clara from Clara's Craft Corner for The Good Friend Blog Award. Thank you so much for nominating me Clara! I haven't gotten this award yet.

Here are her questions and my answers:

1. What is your favorite song?

This is a really hard question. I am just going to say some singers who I like lots of songs from: Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, and I also love show tunes!

2. Do you like vegetables?

Yes, I do! I have never told you guys but I am mostly vegan(but sometimes eat cheese once in awhile). 

3. If AG re-released one of the GOTY's, which one would you want it to be?

Hmm.....I would want either Lindsey, Mia, or Chrissa(so I could get Sonali). 

4. Who was your first doll?

My first doll was Julie Albright.

5. Hiking or swimming?

I have never really been 'hiking' before(but I have gone on walks). So probably swimming.

6. Do you like to shop?

I don't like to shop. I LOVE to shop!!!!!

 I would like to nominate:

Morgan from Amazingly Adollable
Christian Homeschooler from Treasured Frienships with a Flair 
Universe Revolves from The Universe in A Blog

Morgan from Amazingly Adollable nominated me for the STAHP Ur Too Sweet For Ur Own Good Award! Thanks Morgan!

Here are her questions:

1. What is your favorite color?

I actually have two- blue and purple.

2. What is your favorite song?

Read my answer from the award above.

3. Do you have a cell phone?

I don't have a cell phone. I have a Windows 8 phone(it doesn't have a phone card in it). 

4. What was the best day of your life?

Umm...too many but I am going to say one that just recently happened. Delanie and I going to Busch Gardens with our friend Zaya.

5. What ice cream flavor do you like the best?

Moose tracks!!

I would like to nominate:

Olivia from AG Geeks
Eva from Creative AG Lover
Bella from A Doll's Life

My questions(these will be for both awards):

1. Which AG stores have you been too?

2. Do you like musicals? If yes, which one is your favorite?

3. When did you start collecting dolls?

4. What is your favorite restaurant?

5. Bing or Google?

6. Flip flops or sneakers?

Have fun answering my questions!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Apples to Apple~ A Photostory!


I found this 4-pack of mini Apples to Apples card games. They are perfect size for the dolls!

Peeta, Elizabeth, Sophie, and Molly decided to play a game. 

I hope you enjoy the photostory!

Sophie remembered that they hadn't played Apples to Apples in awhile. She brought the game out and noticed everyone started sitting in a circle. "You guys wanna play?" asked Sophie. "Of course, my favorite game!" shouted Peeta. "Sure" replied Molly and Elizabeth.

Sophie was glad. "Perfect! Just enough people to play! I will deal the cards out." 

She pulled the cards out of the box and separated the two different piles. 

Sophie started separating 4 decks containing 7 cards per deck. All of the players were trying to think what kind of cards they will get.

After they all examined their cards, Peeta exclaimed quickly, "I will draw the green card first." "Sounds good" replied Sophie.

The card he drew was the adjective 'sad'. "Everyone set your best sad card down" Peeta told the girls. The girls started checking their cards to find the best 'sad' noun. 

Sophie looked at all her cards. "I guess mosquito bites can be pretty saddening" thought Sophie in her head.

"I have nothing sad!" yelled Elizabeth. "Oops, didn't mean to say that aloud" Elizabeth softly said. She decided her best card was mushrooms.

"Ummmmm" Molly said as she was thinking which card to lay down. She decided to use kickball. 

Peeta flipped all 3 cards over. "Kickball, mushrooms, mosquito bites. Well, kickball is really fun so that is out. I am going with mosquito bites." 

"Who laid down mosquito bites?" asked Peeta aloud. "Not me" replied Elizabeth. 

Before Molly could reply Sophie shout excitedly, "That was me! I laid that down! Yay, I got the first green card!" She claimed the green card.

"Your turn to draw a green card Molly" Elizabeth told Molly. "Okay, lets see here. The green card for this round is.......lucky. Lay a red noun card that is luck" said Molly.

Everyone quickly laid down a card. "Wow, that was fast!" Molly shouted and smiled. "We have here: a dollar, actors, and rock stars. This is tough. Not a dollar. Which are more lucky: rock stars or actors? Well, I am going with rock stars. Who laid down rock stars?"  "That was me!" Peeta said as he snatched the next green card. 

"I am next! The next card is cool." shouted Sophie. "Oh cool!" said Molly. They all laughed.

They each laid down a card. Elizabeth laid down 'elevators', Peeta laid 'a parade', and Molly laid 'Spiderman'. Molly won! "Here you go Molly! The cool green card is yours." Sophie gave Molly the card. "Thanks!" Molly said with a smile.

It was Elizabeth's turn! The green card was 'crazy'. Sophie laid down 'lunchroom', Molly laid 'having a party', and Peeta laid down 'the chicken dance. That one was quite obvious. "I choose 'the chicken dance' " giggled Elizabeth. "Oh yeah! Now I have 2 green cards! One more and I will win!!"

It was back to Peeta's turn. "The green card is 'dull' " Peeta told the girls. Sophie laid down 'airplanes', Elizabeth laid down 'pilots', and Molly laid down 'freckles'. "I choose 'airplanes'!" Peeta exclaimed. "That would be me" said Sophie while she was taking her card. "Now, lets see who will win, me or you" Sophie said in a competitive way to Peeta. "Oh yeah, lets see on this next round" Peeta replied back.

Molly's card she drew was 'messy'. Elizabeth laid down boy scouts, Sophie laid down pillow fights, and Peeta laid down kindergarten. Can you tell who won? 

"I choose kindergarten" Molly said. "Oh yeah! That is me! Woo woo! I got 3 cards, I got 3 cards, I got 3 cards! Told you I would win Sophie!" Peeta chanted. "Whatever" Sophie mumbled. "Good job Peeta" Elizabeth said nicely to Peeta. "Thanks Elizabeth" replied Peeta.

It was time to get some things done. They cleaned up the game, told each other good job, and went off to their business.

What did you think? Did you like the photostory? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Darling Doll Blog Award!


I haven't done an award post for a while. 

I was just recently nominated for The Darling Doll Blog Award by Christian Homeschooler. Thanks for nominating me!! You should check out her blog if you haven't! (I am still doing this post even though I have been nominated for this award before.)

Rules: Answer the questions given and nominate 5 doll blogs.

Here are the questions and my answers(My answers are going to be in blue):

1. What Historical Character AG books do you have, and what ones would you like to have?

We have the Pleasant Company Meet Kit, Meet Samantha, Meet Felicity, Meet Kaya, and Happy Birthday Kit. Then we also have(from before they changed them to BeForever) Meet Cecile, Meet Marie-Grace, Meet Julie, Meet Molly, Very Funny, Elizabeth, and Brave Emily. 

2. If you could get a Magic Attic Club doll, which one would you want?

I think I would want either Rose or Megan.

3. What's your favorite online place to shop for doll items?

(In no specific order): Etsy, American Girl, My Twinn, Amazon, Sophia's, and more! I also like to browse at these websites. :)

4. Which do you prefer: Our Generation or Journey Girls?

I don't have any of those dolls but I prefer Journey Girls.

5. Which do you prefer: Carpatina or Madame Alexander?

This is hard. I have a Madame Alexander baby doll and no Carpatina dolls but the Carpatina's are really pretty. My answer is.............BOTH!! I can't decide which one! 

That is it for the questions! 

Here are my questions:

1. If you were to bring back only 1 of the retired AG dolls, which one would you choose?

2. If you could create a story line for the next GOTY AG doll, what would it be?

3. What kind of pets do your dolls have?

4. How many dolls do you have?

5. What are your other hobbies besides of collecting dolls?

I nominate:

Nikki from Nikki Malt
Doll Daydreams from Doll Daydreams

Have fun answering my questions and thank you for nominating me Christian Homeschooler!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Winner of the Giveaway Is...!

Hello friends!

I will be announcing the winner of the giveaway.

First, I would like to thank you all for entering!

I had 16 people enter and 37 entries. That was a lot more than I was expecting! I was very excited.

I used to choose the winner. I used the listing style. I was very excited while entering the list of names. 

The winner of this giveaway is (drum roll please):
Keep going
Almost there!

Eva Earnshaw! 

Congratulations Eva! I contacted you on Google Plus. Please contact me back by either answering my message or emailing me at: Please include your address. 

If I do not get a response in 3 days, then I will re-list the names on and choose a new winner. 

Thank you all for entering and congratulations Eva!

New on Zulily Today!

Hi amazing followers! New on Zulily today is Madame Alexander and Dollie and Me! 

Madame Alexander has some cute dolls and some cute outfits on sale! You can go and check out what they have on Zulily by pressing here

Dollie and Me has some really cute stuff on sale. They have dresses and shirt and skirt sets on sale for both your doll and you. I think they also have a rain coat set. They even have adorable dance sets! Also, they have a few Sew It Academy kits. You can go and check out what they have on sale here

Thanks for reading! Also, I will be announcing the winner of my giveaway very soon!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Reminder: Tomorrow Last Day to Enter My Giveaway!

Hi guys! Tomorrow will be the last day to enter my giveaway sponsored by American Planet! You will have until midnight to enter. Please share about it with your friends and family! Sharing it also gives you extra entries. :) To see the rules or the post, you can scroll down or click on the picture on the right sidebar with the picture of the giveaway. Thank you and good luck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fawn's Twisted Ponytail~ A Follower's Photos!

Hello! CutePolarBear sent in photos of Fawn, her adorable doll, with the Twisted Ponytail in her hair. She looks so cute! Lets see the photos:

 Here is Fawn from the back. It looks so nice in her hair! I love how you added the hair-clip CutePolarBear! It really looks nice in her hair and matched her outfit. 

Here is Fawn in the front. She is adorable! Fawn's little face is really cute.

Here is Fawn sitting down at a side angle. The hairstyle looks great in Fawn's hai!

Well, thank you so much for sharing your photos CutePolarBear! I enjoyed sharing them here on my blog. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Twisted Ponytail~ A Hair Tutorial!


Clara from Clara's Craft Corner requested a hairstyle tutorial on my 'Request A Post' page. You can also request a post by going to that page and commenting your request!

I will be showing you how to do the Twisted Ponytail.

It is a very simple hairstyle. It is best on a doll with medium to long hair. My model today will be Katniss. 

Let's get started!

You will need: 

  • An AG hairbrush
  • A ponytail holder
  • A doll with medium to long hair
  • A salon chair(optional)

First, brush your doll's hair out. This is so it isn't knotty and hard to work with.

Collect your dolls hair into a pony-tail. You will want it to be a low ponytail(against her back) for it to lay right.

Put the pony-tail holder in. It should be a low ponytail right now.

Use your fingers and slide the ponytail holder down just a little bit. Separate the hair in 2 right above the ponytail holder as shown in the picture above.

Take the pony-tail and flip it through the "hole" you made above the ponytail holder. The picture is showing you in the middle of the process.

Push the pony-tail holder up a little bit so the twist is tight. There you go! You just did the Twisted Ponytail! 

Here are some more pictures of Katniss with her Twisted Ponytail.

Here is the back when she is standing up.

Here is a side-view when she is standing up.

Here is how it looks in the front. Katniss has bangs so not all dolls will look like that in front.

If you do it on your doll, send me a picture! I would love to see the hairstyle on your doll(s)! Send me an email at Even if I only get 1 photo, I will share it. 

What do you think of the hairstyle? Did you do it on your doll? Did you think it was simple? 

Thank you for reading (and doing it in your doll's hair)!

P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway! Here is the link.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

My American Girl News!

Good afternoon everyone!

How are you all doing today?

I have heard some news about American Girl's My American  Girl dolls. 

First, I want to tell you that I heard that AG is changing My American Girl to Truly Me next month. I think this is definitely official because on American Girl Publishing, I found pictures of 3 new books(probably coming next month) and revised activity kits(Doll School, Doll Dining, Doll Hair Salon, Doll Tees Felt Fashion, and Doll Travel) and they all say on them 'Truly Me'. The pictures are below for you to see and the links attached to the pictures so you can see the post about each one. (The first picture is a link to the page all about Truly Me)

Hopefully they will be changing the meet outfits for them too. I don't really care for the MAG meet outfit. Also, I think they will be getting rid of the charm necklace and charms. They have the charm necklace on sale and the MAG outfits don't come with charms anymore.

Here is the second part. I have also heard the AG is going to retire 3 of the MAG's. I am not sure if this is true. I am not all that upset that they might be retiring these specific ones. Here they are:

Here is one of the MAG's I heard AG will be retiring. I never really liked this doll so it is okay with me. 

I also heard they are retiring this one. I like this MAG. She is cute. She was never really on my 'wanted' list.

Here is the third one I heard might be retiring. She is pretty but we have enough blonde-haired dolls I think and just like the one above, she wasn't ever on my 'wanted' list.

That is what I have heard. I am pretty sure that Truly Me is true but I am not exactly sure if they are retiring these dolls. If they are, they are not announcing it(or they aren't right now).

What do you think of Truly Me? Do you like the name better than My American Girl? Do you think they might change their meet outfit? Do you think AG is going to retire these dolls? 

(P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway)