
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Apples to Apple~ A Photostory!


I found this 4-pack of mini Apples to Apples card games. They are perfect size for the dolls!

Peeta, Elizabeth, Sophie, and Molly decided to play a game. 

I hope you enjoy the photostory!

Sophie remembered that they hadn't played Apples to Apples in awhile. She brought the game out and noticed everyone started sitting in a circle. "You guys wanna play?" asked Sophie. "Of course, my favorite game!" shouted Peeta. "Sure" replied Molly and Elizabeth.

Sophie was glad. "Perfect! Just enough people to play! I will deal the cards out." 

She pulled the cards out of the box and separated the two different piles. 

Sophie started separating 4 decks containing 7 cards per deck. All of the players were trying to think what kind of cards they will get.

After they all examined their cards, Peeta exclaimed quickly, "I will draw the green card first." "Sounds good" replied Sophie.

The card he drew was the adjective 'sad'. "Everyone set your best sad card down" Peeta told the girls. The girls started checking their cards to find the best 'sad' noun. 

Sophie looked at all her cards. "I guess mosquito bites can be pretty saddening" thought Sophie in her head.

"I have nothing sad!" yelled Elizabeth. "Oops, didn't mean to say that aloud" Elizabeth softly said. She decided her best card was mushrooms.

"Ummmmm" Molly said as she was thinking which card to lay down. She decided to use kickball. 

Peeta flipped all 3 cards over. "Kickball, mushrooms, mosquito bites. Well, kickball is really fun so that is out. I am going with mosquito bites." 

"Who laid down mosquito bites?" asked Peeta aloud. "Not me" replied Elizabeth. 

Before Molly could reply Sophie shout excitedly, "That was me! I laid that down! Yay, I got the first green card!" She claimed the green card.

"Your turn to draw a green card Molly" Elizabeth told Molly. "Okay, lets see here. The green card for this round is.......lucky. Lay a red noun card that is luck" said Molly.

Everyone quickly laid down a card. "Wow, that was fast!" Molly shouted and smiled. "We have here: a dollar, actors, and rock stars. This is tough. Not a dollar. Which are more lucky: rock stars or actors? Well, I am going with rock stars. Who laid down rock stars?"  "That was me!" Peeta said as he snatched the next green card. 

"I am next! The next card is cool." shouted Sophie. "Oh cool!" said Molly. They all laughed.

They each laid down a card. Elizabeth laid down 'elevators', Peeta laid 'a parade', and Molly laid 'Spiderman'. Molly won! "Here you go Molly! The cool green card is yours." Sophie gave Molly the card. "Thanks!" Molly said with a smile.

It was Elizabeth's turn! The green card was 'crazy'. Sophie laid down 'lunchroom', Molly laid 'having a party', and Peeta laid down 'the chicken dance. That one was quite obvious. "I choose 'the chicken dance' " giggled Elizabeth. "Oh yeah! Now I have 2 green cards! One more and I will win!!"

It was back to Peeta's turn. "The green card is 'dull' " Peeta told the girls. Sophie laid down 'airplanes', Elizabeth laid down 'pilots', and Molly laid down 'freckles'. "I choose 'airplanes'!" Peeta exclaimed. "That would be me" said Sophie while she was taking her card. "Now, lets see who will win, me or you" Sophie said in a competitive way to Peeta. "Oh yeah, lets see on this next round" Peeta replied back.

Molly's card she drew was 'messy'. Elizabeth laid down boy scouts, Sophie laid down pillow fights, and Peeta laid down kindergarten. Can you tell who won? 

"I choose kindergarten" Molly said. "Oh yeah! That is me! Woo woo! I got 3 cards, I got 3 cards, I got 3 cards! Told you I would win Sophie!" Peeta chanted. "Whatever" Sophie mumbled. "Good job Peeta" Elizabeth said nicely to Peeta. "Thanks Elizabeth" replied Peeta.

It was time to get some things done. They cleaned up the game, told each other good job, and went off to their business.

What did you think? Did you like the photostory? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Looks like the dolls had fun! I love Apples to Apples. : )

    1. They did Kathryn! I also love Apples to Apples. Thanks!


  2. Love this photo story! Very cute!

    1. Thanks! I am so excited that you commented on my blog!!!


  3. I really enjoyed this! :) I love playing Apples to Apples; there are so many laughable cards!


    1. Thanks CutePolarBear! I also love Apples to Apples!


  4. Oh I love Apples to Apples! It's such a funny game and great to play! :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. I love Apples to Apples also! It love the funniness in it! We have this special Disney Apples to Apples that we play.


  5. I nominated you for an award on my blog!


    1. Okay Morgan! Thanks and I will post it soon!


  6. Hi, Hope! I just nominated you for an award on my blog!

    1. Thanks Clara! I will post it on the same post as the award Morgan nominated me for!

