
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Darling Doll Blog Award!


I haven't done an award post for a while. 

I was just recently nominated for The Darling Doll Blog Award by Christian Homeschooler. Thanks for nominating me!! You should check out her blog if you haven't! (I am still doing this post even though I have been nominated for this award before.)

Rules: Answer the questions given and nominate 5 doll blogs.

Here are the questions and my answers(My answers are going to be in blue):

1. What Historical Character AG books do you have, and what ones would you like to have?

We have the Pleasant Company Meet Kit, Meet Samantha, Meet Felicity, Meet Kaya, and Happy Birthday Kit. Then we also have(from before they changed them to BeForever) Meet Cecile, Meet Marie-Grace, Meet Julie, Meet Molly, Very Funny, Elizabeth, and Brave Emily. 

2. If you could get a Magic Attic Club doll, which one would you want?

I think I would want either Rose or Megan.

3. What's your favorite online place to shop for doll items?

(In no specific order): Etsy, American Girl, My Twinn, Amazon, Sophia's, and more! I also like to browse at these websites. :)

4. Which do you prefer: Our Generation or Journey Girls?

I don't have any of those dolls but I prefer Journey Girls.

5. Which do you prefer: Carpatina or Madame Alexander?

This is hard. I have a Madame Alexander baby doll and no Carpatina dolls but the Carpatina's are really pretty. My answer is.............BOTH!! I can't decide which one! 

That is it for the questions! 

Here are my questions:

1. If you were to bring back only 1 of the retired AG dolls, which one would you choose?

2. If you could create a story line for the next GOTY AG doll, what would it be?

3. What kind of pets do your dolls have?

4. How many dolls do you have?

5. What are your other hobbies besides of collecting dolls?

I nominate:

Nikki from Nikki Malt
Doll Daydreams from Doll Daydreams

Have fun answering my questions and thank you for nominating me Christian Homeschooler!


  1. I would love Megan, too! I also like Keisha. :)


  2. Yay! I liked reading the answers to my questions. I also like Journey Girls better than OG. Have you bought a lot of stuff from Etsy? What kinds of doll things do you buy?
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. I haven't bought a lot of stuff from Etsy. I do love looking at different doll things there though! My favorite doll things to buy are clothes. :)


  3. Thank you for the nomination! I'll post it ASAP.

  4. I love this tag!! Awesome answers, Hope! :D
