
Friday, May 29, 2015

Important Announcements!


I just wanted to share with you guys some stuff.

First, I want to tell you about a giveaway(yes, another one).

Dream, Dress, Play is having a summer giveaway! She is giving away a doll swimsuit and beach toys from Daydream Doll Boutique. You can check this giveaway out here

I would like to thank everyone who has done my survey! You guys rock! I have looked at your suggestions and starting to work some of them in(for example, I am working on a posting schedule that Universe Revolves suggested). So, thanks for doing that guys. :D

Now, I am going to a 4-H camp this weekend. I will be gone tonight, all day tomorrow, and Sunday. I would say I would post on Sunday but my show I am in is having tech rehearsal during the day. So, yeah. I won't be able to post during the weekend. But I will post either Monday or Tuesday. I have a post idea already and I know you guys are going to love it. I will give you some clues:

1. A photostory
2. Angie suggested it on 'Request a Post'
3. It will be a fundraiser on what lots of people like to drink in the summer

You can guess what it is in the comments below. If you guess correctly, I will give you a shoutout on my next post!

Thanks for reading this boring post(sorry about it being so boring) and I will "see" you all on Monday or Tuesday!


  1. I am going to guess your story has to do with a lemonade sale fundraiser :)

  2. Oops, I also forgot to say I can't wait to see the story! :)

    1. Thanks! You will see what it is when I post it. :D

