
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!


Jana from The Dolly District nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! Thank you Jana!


Make sure you thank the wonderful person who nominated you, put the pic on your blog, answer the questions the person asked you, come up with 10 new questions, and nominate 10 people.

Jana's Questions:

1. What is your favorite AG doll that you own?

Um, this is really hard! I would have to say Morissa.

2. Summer or winter?


3.  If you had to do (another if you already do one) a sport, which would you do?

Either tennis or volleyball. Also dance if that counts!!

4. How long have you been into blogging?

I started liking to read blogs a few months before I started All Things Doll in December 2013.

5. What is your current favorite song?

I am glad it says 'current' because my favorite song always changes! My current favorite is Worth It by Fifth Harmony.

6. What is a sentence you use all of the time?

I am honestly not!

7. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? (an extrovert likes to be around people all the time and is very energetic; an introvert likes to keep to herself)

I love to hang with my friends but not all of the time. I would consider myself an introvert.

8. What is your favorite brand/kind of shoe?

I LOVE flip-flops! 

9. What is one of your hobbies?

Only one? Okay, well you all already know blogging, collecting dolls, and photography. I will tell you a different one. I love to read!!! 

10. What(from your point of view) is the best dessert?

A tie between chocolate and ice cream!!!

I nominate:

Saige and Samantha from A Doll's Life

Marissa from Inner Star Studios

Elly from Doll Stars 

Maddie from DollsOnMyMind

Universe Revolves from The Universe In A Blog

Autumn from One Doll Out There

Angie from Girl Smarts 

Jessica from Darling Dolls 


1. What are your thoughts on Maryellen Larkin?

2. How many dolls do you have total?

3. How long have you been blogging?

4. Lemonade or iced tea?

5. Which season is your favorite?

6. Which doll do you plan to get next?

7. Name one thing on your bucket list.

8. Have you read any AG books? Which ones?

9. What is the last thing you made for your dolls?

10. Which AG doll do you think will be retiring next?

Thanks again Jana for nominating me! I hope you guys have fun answering my questions! 

(Don't forget to enter my giveaway!)


  1. thanks so much for the nomination! since i don't really have time to put an entire post together, i'll just answer the questions down here in a comment. :}
    1.) i think she's gorgeous, though a bit unoriginal in the face. love her hair though, and her collection is to die for. <3
    2.) eleven.
    3.) almost a year and a half. :)
    4.) lemonade, hands down.
    5.) either autumn or spring. <3
    6.) either tm 42 or a rebecca doll to customize into a boy.
    7.) meet my internet friends.
    8.) i've read all the meet books of the dolls i own plus every rebecca book.
    9.) a tattoo choker.
    10.) well besides grace, i think probably kit or josefina.

    1. That is fine Maddie. Thanks for answering the questions! :)


  2. Great answers, Hope! Haha, I like Worth it by 5th Harmony too ;) Volleyball sounds fun to try!
    ~j :3

  3. Thanks for nominating me! I don't think I can nominate 10 other blogs though...

  4. Thanks for nominating me ! You are the best <3 I'm pretty sure I was nominated for this before , but I totally forgot who did and the questions . So thanks sooo much again :)

  5. Hi! I was wondering if you would like to apply to see if you could get a spot as a blogger on my joint blog. The blog will be for writing, photography, fashion, and devotions/strength in faith. This is totally up to you! I am just looking for more people to apply so I can find the perfect 3-4 bloggers to help me with my joint blog. :)

    Here is the link to the survey to apply :

    Allie D.
