
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dollie and Me is on Zulily!


Long time no sight. Guys, I am really sorry about that. School just started for me 2 weeks ago and I have been busy. I promise I will try to be more active.

Have you guys seen that Dollie and Me is on Zulily? Well, you know now! 

They have some really adorable clothes! Here is the link for you to shop: Dollie and Me at Zulily.

Now, here are a few of my favorites!

Brown and Orange Owl Apron & Doll Set - Women and Girls: $19.99

Brown and Orange Turkey Tunic Set & Doll Outfit - Toddler and Girls: $24.99

Turquoise Plaid Ponte Dress & Doll Outfit - Girls: $22.99

Teal and Black Floral Dress & Doll Outfit - Girls: $24.99

Well, that is all of my favorites. I hope you go and look around at some of these good deals!

Which ones are your favorite?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Winner of the Back-To-School Giveaway Is...!


Alright, so I used to randomly decide who the giveaway winner is.

The winner of the Back-To-School giveaway is...
Allie D.!!!!!

Congratulations Allie! Please email be by using the contact on the left side or by emailing me at . 

You will have 5 days to email me. If I do not get an email by then, I will choose a new winner. 

Thank you all for entering and congratulations Allie!

Monday, September 7, 2015

REMINDER: Enter My Back-To-School Giveaway with American Planet!

Hey friends!

Just a reminder that there is a week left to enter my giveaway. Yes, only 1 week! 

I only have 8 people entered in my giveaway. I would like at least 20 people entered. 

You can enter my giveaway by clicking here or pressing on the picture above. 

I hope you enter my giveaway! I would enjoy it if more people entered. 

Thanks for reading!!!