
Friday, October 16, 2015

Quick Post About a Giveaway at Doll It Up!


This is just a quick post about a giveaway.

Ashton Drake Doll Giveaway

Doll It Up is giving away an Ashton-Drake baby doll!

It is really cute!

Click on the picture to go and enter or you can click here.

Hurry, the giveaway ends October 23!

Good luck if you enter!

Thanks and 'see' you soon!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dolly Diner Menu Printable for Dolls!


Today, I made you a printable for your dolls.

I created a Dolly Diner Menu for your dolls!

 Here is a close-up of just one.

Here is the whole sheet of them.

I think it is really cute! 

I hope you use the printable for your dolls. There are 9 menus there so multiple dolls can go and eat!

I would love feedback on these menus. Comment below what you think!

'See' you all again soon!

Do you guys think I should make more printables?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Review: American Girl Witch Costume for Dolls + a Photoshoot!


Just recently, my grandma gave me the American Girl Witch Costume for dolls. It was on sale for $14.00 but it is no longer available.

Here is an overview of the outfit. Molly will be modeling the outfit for you guys. 

The print of the dress is silver stars on purple. I think it is so cute! The material is stretchy.

In the middle part is a vest that is attached to the dress. It gives the dress more of a 'witchy' look. 

At the bottom of the dress, it is jagged and layered over black. 

The sleeves are down to her wrist and at the end are jagged just like at the bottom of the dress.

Here is a closer look at the end of the sleeve.

The witch hat is black silky fabric with a band of the purple with silver stars fabric. It is ruffled so it gives a cute poofy look.

The broom is plastic. It is tall and super cute! It even stands on its own!

The broom part at the bottom actually looks like a broom. It is so cool!

It has a purple ribbon tied around it to match the dress.

At the top of the broom, it has a handle so the doll can look like she is holding it. 

The shoes are cute. They have a lace up in the front and are easy to get on. 

They have velcro on the back which makes them easy to put on and off. The only thing about the boots are the quality. They are all cloth and there isn't a bottom sole. It is just the material of the boot on the bottom. They could tear really easy. I was trying to get a picture of the bottom of the boot but they didn't come out right.

I would give this out a 4.5 star. The outfit is adorable but the quality of the boots could be better. 

Are you ready for the photoshoot?

Sweet Witch: A Photoshoot

This is going to be my new header. What do you think?

I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos and reading the review. 

Do you have this outfit? Which photo was your favorite?

Friday, October 9, 2015

Grace's French Bakery is Sold Out!


Guess what I just recently heard?

Grace's French Bakery is sold out!

I can't believe it! How does her bakery, which was $500, sell out before she does?

I think that it is kind of crazy.

I have also seen on EBay people selling it already. You should see some of the prices and the amount of people watching it!

Click on the picture above to see the listing.

I took a screenshot of this one for you to see. This person is selling Grace's French Bakery for $1,999.99 with $92.99 shipping. It is new in box it says and 50 people are watching it. Is that crazy?

I think people heard it was running out and bought them to sell on EBay for a lot more money. 

What do you think of Grace's French Bakery selling out? Do you have it or wish you had bought it before it sold out?

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Giveaway at Happy House of AG!


Happy House of AG is having a giveaway! 

There will be two winners of her giveaway. 

If you would like to go enter, click here

Good luck if you enter!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Giveaway at Spreading My Joy!

Hey guys!

The blog Spreading My Joy is having a giveaway!

She is giving away an outfit from the Etsy shop Closet4Chloe.
You can go and enter this giveaway here

If you enter, good luck!