
Sunday, March 13, 2016

New American Girl Wellie Wishers Dolls Leaked!


Have you guys heard about the rumors going around about American Girl coming out with a new doll line? 

Well, it is true!

American Girl will be coming out with a new doll line called Wellie Wishers. 

Here are the dolls! I have heard that they are going to be smaller than AG dolls, but not as small as Barbies.

It seems that their will be five of them, although only four are shown here.

They are super cute! I love their little smiles. 

Here the dolls are with some girls. They seem to be about 15 - 16 inches tall.

Here are some individual photos of them:

They are super cute! I'm just kind of confused why all the sudden AG would come out with a new doll line.

(I found this information and pictures from Welcome to Mommy N Me AG)

What do you think of the new Wellie Wishers dolls coming out soon?

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I think this line will represent character in a new AG book set that will be for girls age 5 - 8 and for beginning readers. yay!
