
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Wild At Art Sweepstakes on AG!


{Click on the picture for the link to the Wild At Art sweepstakes}

American Girl is hosting the Wild At Art sweepstakes. 

American Girl is promoting to take action to help protect wild animals with Lea Clark. If you join, you have a chance of winning a prize package!

The Wild At Art sweepstakes is partnering with the WWF, The World Wildlife Fund. 

What do you do? Well, you host an art sale to support the WWF to help and protect the endangered species. 

Here is how you can get involved:

1. Have a grown-up (parents, guardian, or teacher) to help register your sale.

2. Use your imagination to come up with paintings, crafts, and photographs, and any other kinds of art to celebrate animals and places Lea would love. 

3. Host your sale and add the money you raise to the $50,000 that AG has already donated to kick off the Wild At Art campaign.

Below the instructions on the website, they have video ideas for a few crafts, such as the Sloth Snack Clip.

Now, remember how I said you have a chance on winning a prize package? Every registrant who hosts an art sale is entered in the sweepstakes to win Lea prize packages! These include:

Lea's Exclusive Collection

Lea's Rainforest House

Lea's Mix and Match Swim Set

Lea's Beach Accessories

Lea's Rainforest Hike Outfit

Lea's Rainforest Hike Accessories

Are you going to join the Wild At Art sweepstakes?

Friday, June 3, 2016

Emma's Reaction to Her New Prosthetic Doll + I'm Back!

Hello everyone!

How have you all been?

Yes, I've been gone a long time. My schedule got very busy and tight, so I didn't find much time to blog. 

No worries though! I am back!

Anyway, I have something amazing to share with you all!

Emma, a young girl from Cypress, Texas, is given a new doll. Emma has a prosthetic leg. Her parents called A Step Ahead Prosthetics and arranged to have Emma's doll be fit with her own prosthetic leg. The video of Emma unboxing the new doll has gone viral.

A Step Ahead Prosthetics even sent a backstory for the doll. “After she arrived, she was given a room to stay in while her new leg was made. She was fitted with the leg in her favorite color, pink, and started walking right away. After a few weeks of training to walk and run in her new prosthetic, she is ready to go home and live her life without limitation with you.”

As you saw in the video, Emma cries with joy and shouts right away "she has a leg like me!". 

{Via A Step Ahead Prosthetics}

This is not the first time A Step Ahead Prosthetics has made a prosthetic doll. The company made one for a patient about a year ago, and since then requests from all around the world have hastily increased.

Well, that is all for today!

What do you think about Emma's reaction to her new prosthetic doll? What do you think about prosthetic dolls?

Thanks for reading!