
Saturday, January 31, 2015

American Girl Fashion Show in Florida!

Hello friends on the web! I have exciting news. Well, first I need to tell you about some stuff. Have any of you heard or been in the American Girl Fashion show? We have known about it for a few years but never had gone. This year, we applied for the one here in Florida and guess what?! Delanie and I are in it modeling! The fittings will be this next week. I can't wait to tell you how that goes. Also, my mom ordered each of us an outfit. We both got the shirt for dolls, the jeggings for dolls, and the boots.
 Have you ever been at an AG Fashion Show? Have you ever modeled in an AG Fashion Show? What items are your favorite above? Thanks for reading guys! =D

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Morissa (I) Climb a Tree!

Hello friends! It's Morissa! Mom has been wanting to take me out to take photos and today felt perfect here in Florida so I asked her if I could go outside and climb the tree in the backyard. She said yes. Of course, she had to come out and take photos. I was thinking it would be fine since she hasn't taken photos of me recently. Sorry about my babbling. Let's go on with the pictures! Wait, how do I load the pictures? Well, Mom will help me!

 Alright, Mom helped me load them. Here is the first picture.

 Seriously Mom! One of me closer! 

Did it take me this long to get to the tree?

 Finally, I am there! That is where I climbed first. I found an even better spot to sit in and look out into the yard. Mom's dog was out to and it was funny watching her chase lizards!

 This spot I found was really comfortable.

This is the best photo! Well, I like it the best. ;)

I am not sure if they care about my back Mom. This picture is pretty though!

My hair got a little messy up in the tree.
 Banana tree in the background!
 This leaf is really cool!
 This is a pretty picture!
 Last picture! I like this picture to!
Alright! I hope you enjoyed those photos. I know I did! Which is you favorite? I already stated mine above. Well, have a good evening everyone! :D

Friday, January 23, 2015

Kaya's Huge Tent!

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Did you guys check out the AG sale? Speaking of AG, when we were at the AG store, I took this really cool photo. It is sort of a comparison photo. I am pretty sure I didn't post it in my posts from the AG store. So, I took a photo of my niece sitting beside Kaya's tent. 

 Here is the photo! Wow! That is huge!

The tent has to be big enough for the doll to stand in. This is a really cool accessory but would take up a lot of space! I think it probably folds up for storage but I am not sure. Do any of you own Kaya's tent? Send me your picture of your doll with your Kaya tent and I will post it on my blog! I hope you enjoyed this post!

American Girl Sale!

Hey guys! American Girl is having a 40% off sale! It is only while supplies last. Quick! Go and take a peek by clicking here or clicking the picture above. Have fun shopping! =D

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

You're Great Photographer Award!

Hey guys! So, I made up my own award called the Your a Great Photographer Award! I am just going to go ahead and explain the rules.

1. Nominate 3-7 blogs for this award and make a link to the blog.
2. If you are nominated, give 1 of your photography tips and answer the questions given.
3. Go comment on a post of the person you nominated letting them know they were nominated.
4. Copy the picture above on your post.
5. Link your post back to this post so people can see the original post.
6. Add the picture to your tool bar or page.
7. Copy these rules onto your post.
8. Have fun!

I would like to nominate:

My photography tip:

Make sure you have good lighting. I usually do my photos outside because the sun is your best light source. Inside photos are always good though!

My questions:

1. What kind of camera do you use?

2. Where is your favorite place to take photos?

3. Do you edit your photos? How often?

4. How often do you take photos of your dolls?

That is it! Also, you are allowed to nominate me in my own award. Thanks guys!

I am back! Sorry for not posting...

Hey guys.
No, I didn't die.
No, I didn't quit my blog.
The story is, I got very behind in school and had to catch up.
One of the things I put off to be able to catch up is my blog.
I am sorry about this.
I am caught up pretty well on my school now so I will start posting more.
I won't be able to post tomorrow because I will be out.
I might be able to post on Thursday.
I will definitely will be able to post on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 
I am planning on doing a photo-shoot soon.
I don't know which doll to do it on.
Guess what that choose!
Comment below which doll you would like me to do a photo-shoot on!
If you would like me to do 2 dolls in a photo-shoot that is fine to.
If you have more than one suggestion on a 1 doll photo-shoot, say (doll) or (doll). 
If you want 2 dolls in 1 photo-shoot, say (doll) and (doll).

The options are: Anna(not Delanie's), Elsa, Marie-Grace, or Becca(my 23" doll).
Thanks for participating!
Once again, so sorry for not posting in forever! I plan on getting back in track! =D

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015!

Happy 2015 everyone! I am so glad you all could be part of 2014 and I hope you continue to in 2015. Thank you all and again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!