
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I am back! Sorry for not posting...

Hey guys.
No, I didn't die.
No, I didn't quit my blog.
The story is, I got very behind in school and had to catch up.
One of the things I put off to be able to catch up is my blog.
I am sorry about this.
I am caught up pretty well on my school now so I will start posting more.
I won't be able to post tomorrow because I will be out.
I might be able to post on Thursday.
I will definitely will be able to post on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 
I am planning on doing a photo-shoot soon.
I don't know which doll to do it on.
Guess what that choose!
Comment below which doll you would like me to do a photo-shoot on!
If you would like me to do 2 dolls in a photo-shoot that is fine to.
If you have more than one suggestion on a 1 doll photo-shoot, say (doll) or (doll). 
If you want 2 dolls in 1 photo-shoot, say (doll) and (doll).

The options are: Anna(not Delanie's), Elsa, Marie-Grace, or Becca(my 23" doll).
Thanks for participating!
Once again, so sorry for not posting in forever! I plan on getting back in track! =D


  1. You should do a photoshoot with one of your newest outfits!

    1. Good idea Doll Daydreams! I will! Hopefully I will be able to go out today and do the photoshoot.

