
Friday, April 10, 2015

Grace Stirs Up Success Movie Trailer!

Hi! The trailer for Grace Thomas's movie is out! I just watched it. It looks like it will be a fun movie! It is called Grace Stirs Up Success. Have you seen the trailer? I have attached the video for you above if you haven't seen it yet(or if you would like to watch it again!). It doesn't specify when the movie will come out. It just says 'soon'. 

 What do you think of the trailer? Are you excited for the movie to come out? Do you plan on seeing the movie? 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I want to see the movie! I read the books and they were really good! I'm excited to see if the movie is just as good.

    1. That is cool! I haven't read the books but I do plan on seeing the movie!


  2. It looks pretty interesting. I'll probably watch it eventually.

