
Friday, May 29, 2015

Important Announcements!


I just wanted to share with you guys some stuff.

First, I want to tell you about a giveaway(yes, another one).

Dream, Dress, Play is having a summer giveaway! She is giving away a doll swimsuit and beach toys from Daydream Doll Boutique. You can check this giveaway out here

I would like to thank everyone who has done my survey! You guys rock! I have looked at your suggestions and starting to work some of them in(for example, I am working on a posting schedule that Universe Revolves suggested). So, thanks for doing that guys. :D

Now, I am going to a 4-H camp this weekend. I will be gone tonight, all day tomorrow, and Sunday. I would say I would post on Sunday but my show I am in is having tech rehearsal during the day. So, yeah. I won't be able to post during the weekend. But I will post either Monday or Tuesday. I have a post idea already and I know you guys are going to love it. I will give you some clues:

1. A photostory
2. Angie suggested it on 'Request a Post'
3. It will be a fundraiser on what lots of people like to drink in the summer

You can guess what it is in the comments below. If you guess correctly, I will give you a shoutout on my next post!

Thanks for reading this boring post(sorry about it being so boring) and I will "see" you all on Monday or Tuesday!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Oh My Dollies Giveaway!

Hi girls!

Have you heard the amazing giveaway Shelby-Grace over at Oh My Dollies is having?

She is giving away Felicity in honor of 1 year blogoversary! 

This giveaway will end at midnight on May 31st. 

You can enter this giveaway with the link below.

Good luck if you enter!

Truly Me is Official!

Hello dear friends!

Remember when I posted about American Girl possibly changing My American Girl to Truly Me in May? Well, they have! I will show you the new items and what I think of them although I have not seen them in person. 

1. The Lilac Dress- This is the new meet outfit for the dolls. I like it SO much better than the last one! Actually, it is really cute. This outfit is also available for girls.

2. Love to Layer Accessories- This is the accessories to the meet outfit. It comes with a vest, a mesh skirt, a sparkly bow headband, three hair clips, and six pony tail holders. This set is $28. It is cute but I wouldn't want it. It is also I think a little overpriced. 

3. Shimmer Doodle Outfit- This is a new outfit that came out with Truly Me. It is super cute! I love the boots. This outfit is $28 and available for girls. 

4. Flamingo Beach Dress- This is super cute and perfect for summer! I love it! The dress, sandals, and bracelet are all just...perfect! I love the colors. This outfit is $28 and available for girls.

5. Seaside Fun Outfit- This is really cute. I am actually not sure why it is a summer outfit and long-sleeve but it is still cute. I really like it. This outfit is $30. 

6. Beach Hammock Set- This is really cute! I love the hammock. It is $58 which is a little pricey. I mean, all it is is a hammock with a few accessories!

7. Beach Blanket Set- This is really cute and would go great with the hammock! I love the little lemonade and the watermelon slice. It is so cute! This set is $24. 

American Girl is also having a Truly Me sweepstakes! The winner gets a choice of a Truly Me doll and the accessories! These sweepstakes are going on until August 12, 2015. Click on the picture above to check it out!

Well, that is it! What do you think of Truly Me? I think Truly Me is better than MAG. Well, I like the outfit better but everything else is pretty much the same. I hope you enjoyed this post!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

STAHP! Your Too Sweet for Your Own Good Award- Again!

Well hello!

The amazing Kathryn over at Hobbits and Hippogriffs nominated me for the Stahp! Your Too Sweet for Your Own Good award. I have been nominated this like 3 times now. Thanks Kathryn! 

Here are her questions(and my answers of course):

What is your biggest summer plans?

Well, we planned on going to camp in New York but we have been deciding if we still want to though. My plan if we don't go to camp is to sew doll clothes and open and Etsy shop!

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Because they are nothing alike!

What is your favorite comfort read?

I am not sure what this means. My favorite books to read though are fantasy, adventure, and mystery.

What dessert do you currently feel like eating?

Ice cream!!

Do you like to play sports? If so, which ones?

I don't play any sports but I do like tennis(and dance if that counts).

I would like to nominate:

Eva from Creative AG Lover
Morgan from Amazingly Adollable
Clara from Clara's Craft Corner

You can answer the same questions Kathryn asked me. 

Thanks for reading!

I Created a Survey!

Good morning! I forgot to tell you guys about something! 

I created a little survey for you guys to give feedback about All Things Doll. 

I would like to give a shout-out to Kathryn, Delanie, Nikki, and Universe Revolves for doing the survey all ready! 

I created a page called "Do the Survey!" so you can go there and get the link or click here to take it. 

I appreciate your honest feedback! This is to help me with my blog. 

Thank you so much! 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Giveaway on Doll Diaries!

How y'all doing today?

Doll Diaries is having an adorable giveaway!

They are giving away a Paris Themed Bean bag from Daydream Doll Boutique. 

It would look great with your Grace collection(if you have one).

I think it is so cute! What do you think?

You can go and enter this cute giveaway here

The last day to enter is May 23rd. 

Thanks and good luck to all of you who enter!

Also, what do you think of my new background and header?

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Purple with a Sparkle of Pink~ A Photoshoot!

Hi folks!

So, today was so beautiful I decided today was the day I was doing a photoshoot. I decided to use Saige. I took her by these gorgeous purple vines we have in our backyard. I though it goes nicely with her outfits. Enjoy the photos!

 I think this is my favorite one. 

This is a bonus photo! Google Plus automatically edited this photo! I love it! This is my second favorite photo. 

There you have it! Thanks for reading!

Which photo was your favorite?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

American Girl Special and Sale!

Hello friends! 

My mom got an email about AG having a special in-store only!

Free doll ear piercing service for a limited time.*
Offer good at select stores through May 17. Bring your 18" American Girl® doll to the Doll Hair Salon and simply request the service! Find a store.
Available at American Girl stores in Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, and Seattle.

Select stores are offering free ear piercing for your doll! You are allowed to do two dolls at a time. 

They are having this special at the stores in Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, and Seattle. 

All you have to do is go up to the Doll Hair Salon and request the service! That is so cool!

This offer will end May 17th. 

This next special is online. 

Slide 1

AG is having a sale on select items that will be up to 30% off! Click on the picture to see what select items are on the sale. 

Here are some of my favorites that are on there:

Kit's Reporter Dress

Addy's School Outfit

The Winter Fun Scene (I want this to do scenes/photoshoots with Anna and Elsa)

The Doodle Earring Set

(Sorry for the blurriness of some of these photos. It is harder to save the photos now because when you press on them they zoom.)

This sale ends May 10th(Mother’s Day). 

If you get anything, you can let me know! Thanks for reading!