
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

STAHP! Your Too Sweet for Your Own Good Award- Again!

Well hello!

The amazing Kathryn over at Hobbits and Hippogriffs nominated me for the Stahp! Your Too Sweet for Your Own Good award. I have been nominated this like 3 times now. Thanks Kathryn! 

Here are her questions(and my answers of course):

What is your biggest summer plans?

Well, we planned on going to camp in New York but we have been deciding if we still want to though. My plan if we don't go to camp is to sew doll clothes and open and Etsy shop!

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Because they are nothing alike!

What is your favorite comfort read?

I am not sure what this means. My favorite books to read though are fantasy, adventure, and mystery.

What dessert do you currently feel like eating?

Ice cream!!

Do you like to play sports? If so, which ones?

I don't play any sports but I do like tennis(and dance if that counts).

I would like to nominate:

Eva from Creative AG Lover
Morgan from Amazingly Adollable
Clara from Clara's Craft Corner

You can answer the same questions Kathryn asked me. 

Thanks for reading!