
Monday, November 30, 2015

My Sister is Selling Kanani Akina (AG GOTY 2011) and Kanani's Ukulele Set!


My sister, Delanie, is selling Kanani Akina, the Girl of the Year 2011, on EBay! She is also selling Kanani's Ukulele Set on EBay!

Here are the items she is selling. Click on the picture to go to this page.

Here is the listing about Kanani! She is in excellent condition and was only used for display. She comes in her box with her book, meet outfit, shoes, necklace, and hibiscus flower hair clip. Click on the picture to look at the listing closer. 

Here is a picture of Kanani's listing. When you go to the listing of Kanani, scroll down to see the description closer. 

Here is the listing of Kanani's Ukulele set! This set is in excellent condition. Click on the picture to see this listing closer.

Here is Kanani's Ukulele Set's listing description. When you go to the listing of Kanani's Ukulele Set, scroll down to read this closer.

There is a deal that if you buy both Kanani and Kanani's Ukulele Set from her you will get discounted shipping!

These items are perfect holiday gifts and will come in time for Christmas. 

Delanie plans on using her money she earns from selling Kanani and Kanani's Ukulele Set towards buying Grace Thomas, the GOTY 2015. 

So, if you would like to add Kanani to your collection or your child has been asking for her, here is an opportunity to buy her! Kanani and her Ukulele Set will be a perfect Christmas gift.

Thank you!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Meet Maryellen Larkin + A Photoshoot!


So, I won a giveaway on Instagram where I could choose any AG doll. I chose Maryellen Larkin. 

Maryellen arrived yesterday! I was so excited!

I was so excited! I grabbed a pair of scissors and quickly cut her 


There she is!!!


Her face is so sweet!


I love how they changed the look of the box and that they include a picture of the doll at the bottom!

I think that her book is the thickest AG book I have seen! 

Here she is, right out of the box! 

Now, here is the photoshoot! Enjoy!


I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos! Thank you for reading and I will post again soon!

Which photo is your favorite?

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving Dessert Party- A Photostory!

How was everyone's Thanksgiving?

My family went to Busch Gardens yesterday for Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun!

Since we were out all day yesterday, I worked on a photostory of the doll's Thanksgiving dessert party today.

I hope you enjoy reading the story!

(Sorry for the bad quality photos. The lighting isn't that great inside my house.)

Peeta was finishing setting the table when he heard the bell ring. "Yay, they are starting to arrive" Peeta cheered to himself. 

He opened the door and in walked Katniss. "Katniss!" Peeta shouted.

"Peeta! I have missed you" Katniss exclaimed while she hugged Peeta. They stood there, hugging each other for a couple minutes. 

"Peeta, you made all of this?" Katniss asked. "Of course, and the pumpkin pies are for us. My own recipe." Peeta told Katniss. "Aw, thanks Peeta!" Katniss replied. Then they heard the doorbell. They both ran to the door.

"Hey there!" Anna exclaimed in greeting. "Hi Anna" Katniss and Peeta replied in unison. 

"Wow, this looks great guys" Anna complimented. "Thanks" replied Peeta.

"Ding dong". "Someone is at the door" Anna quickly said while she rushed toward it. Peeta opened the door and Cecile and Mandi walked in together. "Cecile! Mandi! Hi!" Exclaimed Anna. "Hello" replied Cecile and Mandi. "The food smells very nice" Mandi commented.

They all circled around the table and shared what they were thankful for. Peeta told them that they were to line up at the end and go down the line. 

Everyone rushed over to the end of the table. Mandi managed to get in the front. 

Once they all had their fill, they posed for a picture! "Happy Thanksgiving" they all shouted out in unison.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading the photostory! Also, I have some exciting news for you guys so I will be posting again soon. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Giveaways Around the Web!

This post is about giveaways that are going on right now!

Spreading My Joy is giving away the outfit above from KittyKatWorkshop! Click on the picture or here to see the rules and enter.

DreamWorld Collections Urban Explorer Outfit Giveaway

American Girl Fan is giving away the outfit above from Dream World Doll Collections! You can check out the rules and enter by clicking on the picture or pressing here

Well, those are all of the giveaways I know about. 


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Doll Sewing Patterns at Jo-Ann Fabrics!


I am so sorry for not posting very much! I have been bogged down with school and my schedule has been busy.

I was thinking of making a posting schedule so I post regularly. What do you guys think of that? Let me know in the comments!

Well, the other week when we were at Jo-Ann Fabrics, I found sewing patterns for 18" dolls! I was very excited to find these and knew it was the perfect thing to blog about. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera so I had to take the photos on my phone. 
(Sorry for some of the bad quality photos!)

I found American Girl brand patterns!

Here they are a bit closer.

This one is to sew the style of dress pictured. It says you can sew 4 outfits!

This one you can also sew 4 outfits. This is a pattern for a shirt and skirt.

This is a sewing pattern to sew the new Cinderella dress for you and your doll! This is so adorable! You and your doll could be wearing the same outfit sewed by you! Cool, right?

Of course, they had patterns for Anna and Elsa from Frozen! The pattern even includes Anna and Elsa's Coronation Day dresses!

There were also patterns for Anna and Elsa from Frozen Fever! 

I know these are not 18" dolls, but I wanted to share anyway. They had sewing patterns for Anna and Elsa from Frozen for Barbie-size dolls too! 

You can also sew a mermaid outfit for both you and your doll! This one would have been perfect for Halloween, especially if you wanted your doll to dress the same way as you!

There was also a dress pattern for your, an adult, and a doll! Your family could all match, including your doll! I think that would be super cute. 

Here is a pattern for a dress and a robe. I love the robe!

This pattern is for a dress and skirt.

This is a pattern for the style of dress in the photo. These dresses are so cute! 

This pattern is for the shirt and dress. I think these are perfect for fall!

Here is a pj-looking outfit and a jacket pattern.

Lastly, pretty winter dresses and winter coat pattern.

Well, that is all of the doll patterns I saw at Jo-Ann Fabrics. I hope you enjoyed this post!

Which pattern is your favorite?