
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Doll Sewing Patterns at Jo-Ann Fabrics!


I am so sorry for not posting very much! I have been bogged down with school and my schedule has been busy.

I was thinking of making a posting schedule so I post regularly. What do you guys think of that? Let me know in the comments!

Well, the other week when we were at Jo-Ann Fabrics, I found sewing patterns for 18" dolls! I was very excited to find these and knew it was the perfect thing to blog about. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera so I had to take the photos on my phone. 
(Sorry for some of the bad quality photos!)

I found American Girl brand patterns!

Here they are a bit closer.

This one is to sew the style of dress pictured. It says you can sew 4 outfits!

This one you can also sew 4 outfits. This is a pattern for a shirt and skirt.

This is a sewing pattern to sew the new Cinderella dress for you and your doll! This is so adorable! You and your doll could be wearing the same outfit sewed by you! Cool, right?

Of course, they had patterns for Anna and Elsa from Frozen! The pattern even includes Anna and Elsa's Coronation Day dresses!

There were also patterns for Anna and Elsa from Frozen Fever! 

I know these are not 18" dolls, but I wanted to share anyway. They had sewing patterns for Anna and Elsa from Frozen for Barbie-size dolls too! 

You can also sew a mermaid outfit for both you and your doll! This one would have been perfect for Halloween, especially if you wanted your doll to dress the same way as you!

There was also a dress pattern for your, an adult, and a doll! Your family could all match, including your doll! I think that would be super cute. 

Here is a pattern for a dress and a robe. I love the robe!

This pattern is for a dress and skirt.

This is a pattern for the style of dress in the photo. These dresses are so cute! 

This pattern is for the shirt and dress. I think these are perfect for fall!

Here is a pj-looking outfit and a jacket pattern.

Lastly, pretty winter dresses and winter coat pattern.

Well, that is all of the doll patterns I saw at Jo-Ann Fabrics. I hope you enjoyed this post!

Which pattern is your favorite?


  1. I love all these patterns! Joanns is awesome. :)

    1. Joanns is awesome! I agree. ;)


  2. These patterns are way too cute !

    1. I know right!


  3. These are so cute! I especially love the mermaid outfits :)

    1. Yeah, me too! I also love the Frozen patterns. :)

