
Saturday, December 5, 2015

American Girl Fashion Show Open Casting Call!


Today was the open casting call for the American Girl Fashion Show in Florida. Delanie and I attended the American Girl Fashion Show here in Florida last year. You can read my post about that here

We went to Bradenton, Florida to attend the open casting call for the American Girl Fashion Show in Florida. What they did was measure our height and waist and took a photo of us. We also filled out and turned in an application.

If you live here in Florida, you might want to take part in the American Girl Fashion Show! You can fill out an online application or there will be another open casting call, although they have not announced the date yet. 

They also have a Facebook page where they post information as well. You can check that out with the link here.

This is my niece Natalie. She is old enough this year to be in the fashion show as a Bitty Twin model so she went along with us to the open casting call. She is super excited and hoping she gets chosen! They gave all the younger kids one of the paper doll fashion show kits. 

If you live in Florida, you should consider attending! If you do, please let me know! We could possibly email each other with a picture of ourselves and what time show (because we may not end up in the same show time) and possibly meet each other! That would be fun!

Well, that is all for now. Thanks for reading!

Have you ever been to any of the American Girl Fashion Shows?

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