
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Doll Christmas Haul 2015!


How was everyone's Christmas?

I am going to share what my sister, Delanie, and I received for Christmas! I am only sharing the doll stuff because I don't find it necessary to share everything.

*Please Note: I am not in any way bragging. I am just simply sharing what my sister and I got for Christmas.*

Hope's Gifts:

I received Rebecca Rubin! My grandma got her before she became BeForever so she came in her red meet outfit. 

I also got the Santa Dress. It is super cute! I think it looks great on Rebecca with her curls peeking out from below the hat!

I also received the Christmas Scene background. It is perfect for Christmas photos! 

Maryellen's Poodle Skirt outfit is also a present I got, along with Maryellen's crinoline! I am in love with this outfit! It is so pretty! My grandma gave me this outfit.

My mom gave me this adorable pajama for Ariel. It is so super cute. I love the bear! 

My grandma also gave me the Aqua Earring Tree! I think this tree is super cute! It can hold 11 pairs of earrings. This will definitely be in great use.

I was given a baby doll from My Twinn! She has red hair and blue-green eyes. I named her Natalia, which means Christmas. 

Natalia came with this birth certificate for me to write her name and the date she was born. 

The last doll item I got was Rebecca's Souvenir Set. I love this set! It is adorable. It came with a souvenir book, a tag, postcards, a list of rides, and a mini carousel. 

Here is a closer look at the carousel. There are a horse, a camel, and a rabbit. When you twist the carousel body to the left, it will then spin and play music. It is so cute!

Delanie's Gifts:

Delanie was given a Sven doll! Now we have a complete doll-sized Frozen collection. I also got the Snowy Scene Background.

Delanie also got a new doll. She was given the My American Girl, she came with the MAG meet outfit, Doll #27 from our grandma! She is so  pretty! Her hair is really pretty and layered. Delanie named her Michaela.

She also got Isabelle's Performance outfit. It is super pretty. I love the tiara with the stars! The tutu is super cute too.

Delanie received this adorable farm outfit for her bitty twin! This outfit is from My Twinn. This outfit is so super cute! I love the animals in the pockets.

Remember when Delanie was selling Kanani? Well, she bought Grace with the money she earned from selling Kanani. Grace is beautiful! I love her little side bang and her freckles.

Delanie also got Grace's Opening Night dress. This dress is stunning! I love the color, the sequins, the shoes, and the headband. It is one of my favorite outfits from Grace's collection.

Delanie received Bon Bon, Grace's French Bulldog! Bon Bon is super cute. I love the bow on her one ear!

Delanie also was given Grace's Welcome Gifts. I love this set! The Eiffel Tower cookies actually can come out of the bag, and there are two. The flowers are paper. The macaroons are all stuck together but their box is adorable! Of course, the hat is super cute.

Delanie was given Isabelle's Pajamas from our grandma. I love this outfit! I think the color is really nice. Just to let everyone know, Emily looks really nice in purple.

Delanie also got the Bocce Set. It came with the chairs, balls, the bag, which has the rest of the balls in it, and the instruction manual on how to play Bocce. I love the bag and the chair! The bag has drawstrings so it can be drawn together and easily carried.

Lastly, Delanie got the Ballerina Pajama for her Bitty Twin Zoe. This pajama is super cute! I love the little ballerina snow globe. It has a button where if you press it, the ballerina spins.

That is all of the doll-related presents Delanie and I received for Christmas! I hope you, and your dolls, enjoyed your Christmas!

What was your favorite Christmas present?

Thanks for reading!


  1. Cute stuff! And your new dolls are beautiful!

  2. Congrats on Rebecca, she's adorable! #27 is a super pretty doll, too. :) Merry (late) Christmas! ;)

  3. Great gifts! I do have a question for you about one of them. The earring tree--do the earrings fit snug in it or do they fall out easily?

    1. Hi Flo! The earrings fit pretty snug.

