
Meet the Dolls!

Hey guys! Here you can read about our dolls and learn and little about them! 

 Kit (Margaret) Kittredge:  Kit was our first doll. She was originally my older sisters, but she let us play with her. We found her and started playing with her in 2009. Delanie has adopted Kit as her doll.

Julie Albright: Julie was my first doll that I could actually call mine. I received her for Christmas in 2009. My grandma gave her to me because she looks like me except she has brown eyes (I have hazel) and she doesn't have freckles.

Bonnie: I was given a Madame Alexander baby while I was in the hospital. I think it was sometime in February 2010. She is super cute. The bitty baby clothes are a little big for her. I love my baby Bonnie. She is so cute!

Elizabeth Coleman: Elizabeth was Delanie's first doll that she could say was hers. She received her for Christmas in 2010. Lizzy, that is Elizabeth's nickname, is Felicity's friend and she is retired.

Jack: When we started collecting dolls, my brother, Elliot, was interested in them to. He wanted an 'American Boy Doll'. Our grandma gave Elliot a Bitty Twin boy in 2010.

Lanie Holland: Delanie received Lanie for her birthday in 2011. Delanie said that she just had to have her since that is her nickname. Lanie was the 2010 Girl of the Year.

Morissa: I was given Morissa on my birthday in 2011. She is a Truly Me doll, she was actually a Just Like You when I got her. I wanted Marisol and Josephina but we weren't able to get Marisol and my mom was worried about Josephina's hair. She looks very nice in Josephina's clothes!

Jasmine: Delanie loved the Bitty Baby with brown hair and darker skin. She received her on her birthday along with a few outfits. She also loved the Bitty Twin with no bangs. She received Jasmine a few days after her birthday in January 2012.

Zoe: Zoe is her Bitty Twin she wanted! She received her for Christmas 2012. She was dressed in a Christmas outfit in our salon chair we received. It was quite cute!

Cecile Rey: I received Cecile on Christmas in 2012 from our grandma. I loved her when she came out and wanted her. I wanted her because of her pretty curls. She is now retired.

Marie-Grace Gardner: Delanie was given Marie-Grace for Christmas from our grandma the same year I got Cecile, 2012. She loved Marie-Grace's curls by her face and her pretty hair. She is also now retired.

Saige Copeland: When Saige came out, Delanie was in love. For Delanie's birthday, we actually went to the Miami AG store and she got to pick her present out. She chose for her present Saige. Saige was the Girl of the Year in 2013.

Becca: Becca is my 23" My Twinn doll. I was given her on Easter from my mom in 2013. She is a lot bigger than the other dolls and is a great big sister. Becca has a pet cat, Lumiere.

Carley: Carley is Delanie's 23" My Twinn doll. She was also given to her on Easter in 2013 from our mom. Carley has a pet Boxer named Max. Carley's hair is a pretty blonde and curly. Beside Carley is Becca.

Molly McIntire: On my birthday in 2013 while we were traveling north, my mom surprised my by taking me to the Boston AG store for my birthday. Then, Molly was heard to be retiring(and so was Emily) and I really wanted her. So guess who I got, Molly! It was a great surprise. 

Emily Bennett: My sister wanted Emily before she retired. Delanie received Emily for Christmas in 2013. She also got the accessories with her. Delanie's favorite part of Emily is her reddish hair. 

Mandi: My mom purchased an 18" My Twinn doll because they were on a great sale. She wanted to get one for me to review and post about on my blog. My mom purchased her in February 2014. She wasn't sure who to give it to but I claimed her. Delanie doesn't care for her, but I think she is beautiful!

Merida: Merida was my project. I actually custom made her for myself. It was really fun to learn how to restring your dolls, tighten your dolls limbs and arms, and re-wig them. I actually saw Doll Diaries post about theirs and wanted to make them(you can see their post here). I ordered a choppy wigged old Elizabeth from Ebay and got my outfit from Amazon. I  finished her in April 2014. I purchased my wig from BAVAS International. I love my custom Merida! 

Peeta Mellark: At the same time I was custom making Merida, Delanie was custom making herself a Peeta Mellark doll, using our older sister's old Felicity. She did the same thing I did with Merida. We got his wig from Monique. After she made him, she wanted a Katniss doll. She finished Peeta at the same time as me, April 2014.

Sophie: I was given Sophie on my birthday in 2014. She came in a different outfit but I was also given the outfit she is in above. She looks so cute in it! I actually had a name contest here on my blog because I didn't know what to name her. Sophie is a Gotz doll with bangs. Sophie is an adorable doll!

Ariel: My mom purchased Ariel for me because when she saw her on Ebay, she thought her hair was beautiful and I would love her. She gave me Ariel in August 2014 to blog about. I love my Gotz 19" toddler!

Anna: At the same time my mom gave me Ariel, she also gave Delanie Anna. Anna is pronounced like the Anna from Frozen. She was given Anna in August 2014.

Queen Elsa of Arendelle: Delanie was given Elsa for Christmas 2014. She was also given an Elsa dress and a doll-sized Olaf! My mom french braided Elsa's hair. She is so pretty!

Princess Anna of Arendelle: I was given Anna for Christmas 2014. I was also given the braided clips in blonde so I braided that in one of her braids so she would have a blonde strip like the movie. I was also given the Anna outfit. Now we both have an Anna!

Katniss Everdeen: Delanie got what she wished for! Delanie received a Katniss doll for her birthday, January 2015. She is a Gotz doll and she is gorgeous. She has really pretty long brown hair with curls around her face. She looks just like Katniss with a braid in her hair! 

Maryellen Larkin: I won a giveaway on Instagram, in which I could choose any American Girl doll I wanted. I decided to go with Maryellen. I received her in November 2015. I love the color of her hair and her eyes! Her outfits are also really pretty. 

Grace Thomas: Delanie sold her Kanani doll because she didn't like the length of her hair. With the money she earned from selling her, she bought Grace. Delanie is very happy that she bought Grace before she retired! Grace was the Girl of the Year in 2015. 

Rebecca Rubin: Awhile ago, I had Rebecca on my Christmas list. I forgot about that thought and always kind of admired her. My grandma saw someone selling her in her original meet outfit. She purchased Rebecca and gave her to me at Christmas of 2016. 

Michaela: The same person was selling this Truly Me doll along with Rebecca. My grandma purchased this doll as well and gave her to Delanie for Christmas in 2016. 


  1. Your dolls are really pretty! I have Josefina and her hair is pretty hard to manage.

  2. Awww, your dolls are so cute and pretty!

  3. I love your blog! All of the dolls are so cute! I especially like Lanie and Morissa!


    1. Thanks Clara! I am glad you enjoy my blog. :D


  4. I love all of your dolls! My favorite is Sophie, she is SO CUTE!! :-D I have Kit, too!

    1. Thanks! Sophie is adorable. That is awesome that you have Kit! Delanie's Kit is actually a Pleasant Company one(she was our older sisters Kit). Kit is also a cute doll. :D


  5. I love all your dolls!! Especially #49 Morissa, Kanani, Elzabeth, and Cecile cause I have them!! I have six ag dolls and a lot none ag's.

    1. Wow, you have them too! That is cool! Thanks!


  6. May you please check out my blog?

    1. Of course Sapphire! Your blog is cool. :)


    2. Cool thanks your blog is wonderful.

  7. Your dolls are just the prettiest!!! Kit was my first doll, too - I think she's a perfect starter. :) I absolutely adore your Merida custom. she's my favorite Disney princess! :3 Quick question - would you recommend Saige? I've been wondering if I should purchase her from eBay since last year, but I've never been completely sure.

    1. Thanks! Some of them are my sisters. She is a good started because her hair is easy to manage. Thanks! I love my Merida too. I saw Doll Diaries made a custom Merida and I just thought I had to make one.

      Saige is my sisters doll. She is actually my favorite doll my sister has. I love Saige and I totally recommend her! Her hair is wavy( not to curly) so it is easy to curl if you want. She is really nice and pretty. Thanks for asking!

      Thanks for commenting!


  8. dang, girl! That's a lot of dolls. I only have 4!

    1. Yeah, lol! Not all of them are mine. Some are my sisters, Delanie. But there are still a lot. :)


  9. What adorable dolls. Peeta is so cool!! I love Hungergames. :)

    1. Thanks! I love the Hunger Games as well!


  10. Cool dolls! <3
    kaitlynrh1 from Kaits AG Crafts
