
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Beachy Blogger Award!

Hello friends! Guess what? I have been nominated for the Beachy Blogger Award by Liberty at California Harmony Dolls! Lets go to the questions:

How many dolls do you have?

I have 8 dolls but counting me and my sisters dolls combined we have a total of 19 dolls(this is including our 23" dolls, and my sisters Bitty Baby and Bitty Twin!)

What is your favorite doll brand?

Well, this is a hard decision! I like American Girl, Gotz, and My Twinn.

Do you live by a beach?

Not really. The beach is about an hour away!

Do you play any sports?


What is your favorite season and why?

My favorite season is Spring because it starts to warm up and the flowers come and it is so pretty! (Even though it messes with my allergies!)

What is your favorite color?

I actually have 2, blue(light shades) and purple.

How old is too old for dolls?

I don't think you are ever to old to collect dolls!

What is your favorite dog breed?

I'm not sure...I adore Pomeranian's, even though I have never had that breed.

Do you have any custom dolls?

Yes, I custom made myself a Merida doll! If you want to see her you can go here. My sister also custom made herself a Peeta Mellark from the Hunger Games. :)

When did you start your blog?

I started my blog December 24, 2013.

I would like to nominate Kanani and Kanani, California Harmony Dolls, and any blog who comments below who would like to be nominated! :) 

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